
Thursday, 25 March 2010

When Cobras Collide [Video Assignment]

A video we created for a visual effects assignment. Some stop-motion sorcery...

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Adam and The Apple [Video Assignment]

Video we created for an assignment. Enjoy :)

University Halls Documentary [Video Exercise]

We were given a brief to create a documentary on living in Luton. Here's what we came up with...

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

BBC iPlayer

So for a few weeks now there's been barely anything I really want to watch on the BBC's iPlayer, but in the last few days there has been an infulx of decent programming that I wish to share.

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Meanings of Mise-en-scene in Mainsteam Cinema [Assignment]

This is an assignment I did for my 'Reading Hollywood' unit. It talks about the use of mise-en-scene in mainstream cinema using Stanley Kubrick's 'Full Metal Jacket' as an example. Got marked as a B (just).

What kinds of meanings are made by ‘mise-en-scene’ in mainstream cinema?

Mise-en-scene is an interesting subject to analyse in a film and often gives a film meaning that can subvert the consciousness of the viewer. It can imply different meanings in different texts using a variety of techniques if used correctly. In the book “Film Art: An Introduction”, Bordwell and Thompson claim that “many of our most sharply etched memories of the cinema turn out to centre on mise-en-scene.” This definition reinforces the claim that mise-en-scene is a powerful tool for the film maker to use when giving meaning to a scene.